Car Loan Hunter - Privacy Policy

Car Loan Hunter Pty Ltd, ABN: 95 637 688 110, Credit Licence number #526759 (referred to as “Car Loan Hunter/we/us”) is bound by the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 which set out a number of principles concerning the protection of your personal information. This Privacy Policy sets out important information about privacy protections we extend to your personal information.

The Importance of Privacy

We understand that the details you provide us with are not only private and personal but that how we collect, use, hold, exchange and protect your information is important to you. It’s therefore important that we take this seriously and treat your information securely. It’s also important that you understand how we protect your privacy, as well as how, when and where we may use your personal information.

What information we may collect?

We may collect personal information. Personal information is information or an opinion about an identifiable or reasonably identifiable person. The personal information we will collect, and hold will include your name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, address, email, employment details and any other information we may need to identify you. We may also collect sensitive information for specific purposes. For example, information about your health to enable the credit provider to assess an application you make for mortgage protection insurance and calculate any premiums. If we need this type of information, we will ask for your consent.

How do we collect your information?

We will always aim to collect your personal information directly from you. If for some good reason, we are unable to do so, we may involve another organisation. For example, we may need to request a credit report from a credit reporting body when you apply for a credit facility. Before doing so or prior to collecting the information we need, we will inform you of the type of organisations we intend to disclose your personal information to. We may also collect your personal information through third parties who undertake the collection on our behalf. We will not share any such collected personal information to 3rd parties without consent from you to do so.

Why we collect and potentially use your personal information?
We may collect, hold, disclose and use your personal and credit information to:

a) assess and verify your identity and financial situation,
b) assess your credit application, or your suitability as a guarantor to a credit application,
c) provide such information to a guarantor or related applicant,
d) exchange your information with a credit reporting body,
e) disclose your information to credit providers to arrange credit,
f) disclose your information to an insurer to arrange insurance you wish to obtain,
g) obtain from, and disclose to, third parties such as your employer, landlord, real estate agent, lending institution and guarantor who are deemed as reasonably necessary to arrange finance and/or insurance,
h) refer you to other organisations, service providers or business partners or obtain referrals from them to you,
i) identify and tell you via direct marketing communications about other products or services offered by us or a third party that may interest you (unless you tell us not to),
j) administer our customer relationships,
k) for internal purposes, including for reporting and analytical purposes,
l) meet our legal and regulatory reporting obligations,
m) establish a customer marketing program,
n) system development testing purposes, and
o) any other purpose related to the above.

Direct Marketing

As stated above, we may use the information we gather to provide you with targeted communications about products and services we think will be of interest to you. We may also send you details of offers or services provided by our business partners and related entities. These direct marketing offers and promotions are designed to make your life easier, not harder. You may at any time choose not to receive these communications. Doing so will not cost you anything, and we commit to ensure you stop receiving any unwanted communications as soon as possible.
If you do not want to receive such marketing communications, please write to us at the following address – 20 Morehead Street, Lambton, 2299, NSW or via email at

Why may we share your information with another party?

As a Finance Broker, we provide you with products and services through our professional network. That means we partner with other organisations who provide and support the products and services we offer. In order to submit your application to a supplier for consideration, we need to provide such suppliers with the personal information you have provided.
Additionally, in certain circumstances, we may be compelled by law to disclose your personal information to various authorities.
Other organisations which we may exchange your personal information with may include:

1. credit providers,
2. credit reporting bodies,
3. government and law enforcement agencies,
4. our suppliers, associates, service providers or contractors (including, for example, call centre, stationery printing houses, mail houses, information technology, marketing agencies, and marketing research companies etc).
5. any person who proposes to guarantee or has guaranteed repayment of any credit provided to you,
6. mortgage insurers, brokers, originators and/or managers, financial consultants, accountants, lawyers, or real estate agents,
7. third parties to enable them to contact you to offer their products and services or to determine if you would be interested in the products and services, and
8. any person considering acquiring or taking an interest in our business.

Before we disclose any of your personal information to any other organisation, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the organisation has the same commitment as us to the protection of your personal information and you have consented to us doing so.
Access to and correction to your personal information
The personal information we hold about you is yours to access and correct, and as such we can provide you with general information, such as your name, address, and contact details for no charge. More detailed information may not be as easy for us to access, and if necessary, in some cases there may be an access charge to cover the time we spend locating, compiling, and explaining the information you ask for. If there is an access charge, we’ll give you an estimate up front and confirm that you’d like us to proceed. Generally, the access charge is based on an hourly rate plus any photocopying costs or other out-of-pocket expenses. You’ll need to make the payment before we start.
The process of providing you with access to or correcting your personal information may take up to 30 working days from the date of your request. If we refuse to give you access to or correct your information, we must give you written notice setting out the reasons for the refusal and the mechanisms available for you to complain about the refusal.
If you need to access or correct your detailed information, just write to us at the following address- 20 Morehead Street, Lambton, 2299, NSW or via email at

Security and Storage of Personal Information

By law, we are required to hold certain information about you, even after you are no longer a customer. We may also hold certain information about you if it is needed for a purpose which you are aware of or reasonably expect us to hold the information. When your information is no longer needed or required to be held by law, it will be destroyed or de-identified.
We will take great care to protect your personal information by storing it in a secure environment, and when the information is no longer needed for any purpose for which the information may be used or disclosed, it will be destroyed or permanently de-identified. We will also take reasonable steps to protect any personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.

Privacy Complaints

If you have a complaint, including a complaint about us and/or our compliance with the APPs, you have the right to expect that we will handle it in a friendly and professional way. If you wish to complain, at any time, about the handling, use or disclosure of your personal information, or about our compliance with the APPs, just write to us at the following address 20 Morehead Street, Lambton, 2299, NSW or via email at
If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can then refer your complaint to the Australian Information Commissioner, who can be contacted at: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), Level 3, 175 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000

More Information

You can request further information about the way we manage the personal information that we hold by writing to us at the following address – 20 Morehead Street, Lambton, 2299, NSW or via email at

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